
I spent Saturday exploring Plymouth, Mass where the Pilgrims first explored this land. In the late afternoon, a storm blew in over the ocean. A fierce wall of slate gray clouds stretched like reaching hands over the face of the water bringing darkness and chill of cold air over everything it touched. I stood by the bay awestruck (and a little scared) by the clouds billowing and changing overhead. There’s no view quite like a storm at sea. You stand by and watch as in slow motion the storm reaches and stretches consuming every sliver of sunshine and blue sky in its path. Huge swaths of rain fall and wave like ribbons. I stand on the bay snapping pictures of the ever-changing sky until the winds blow hard and the drops begin to fall–then it’s a race back to the car before the torrents let loose and all the slate gray from above comes splashing down below.

Today I’m home caught again in the ruckus of a thunderstorm. The rain falls fast and hard as the gray clouds zip by overhead. But today I can’t see the storm–only the rain and the sound of thunder. There’s no panoramic view or way to gain perspective on all that rumbles above. I couldn’t see the storm coming and I don’t know when it will leave.

Isn’t life the same? If only I could stand on the bay and watch life stretch out before me. If only I could see the story beginning to end–dark though it may be and threatening, at least I would know. I would know when to stand in awe snapping pictures of the overwhelming beauty and when to run for cover from the heartache and hurt. But life doesn’t give us warning or panoramic views. Life doesn’t tell us when heartache is coming or when it will leave. We stand in the storm seeing and hearing only the rain and thunder–not the beauty and majesty of the clouds that bring our trouble. I think of the storm at sea, and try to remember that even trouble falls from beauty and brings beauty in its wake. The storm lasts for a season and at times we believe we will be consumed–but we won’t. There is brightness after the rain. Rainbows to bring light, color, and the hope of a promise.

God may come in storm clouds dark, fall on us in trials and pain–but there is beauty in the panorama of it all. If we could stand on the bay and see his plan–see his purpose stretch out in fierce beauty from beginning to end–then we would understand. Then we would be awestruck at his divine plan. We would stand in the falling rain, and though we may be afraid of the storm clouds and thunder overhead, we would see there is a beginning and an end–a purpose stretching with beauty and hope through all the dark clouds and rain drops that beat around us.

Though you stand in the thunderstorm and see no plan. Though your heart is broken and overwhelmed. Know, always know, there is beauty overhead. Know the rain falls from beauty and brings beauty in its wake. Know, always know, there is a plan.

24 thoughts on “Perspective

  1. I loved reading your thoughts on this (and seeing the gorgeous pictures of the storm)! It’s so incredibly true that life holds great beauty and great pain, and it takes God to see both clearly.


  2. Pingback: “This Was No Typical Thunder Storm” At Least 12 People Killed By Storms « News World Wide

  3. Ooops! I started to reply to your replay and then hit cancel … and it took it all away! LOL! Oh well, yes, I’m sure it’s stunning to see the Mayflower and imagine all those folks traveling for all those months in those conditions. God’s Providence was definitely over them! What I have heard about the entire planation today and the reenactments has intrigued me. I always wanted to take the kids there … it might have to be grandkids now instead. (No announcement though! ) LOL!


    • Does Christina know you’re talking about grandkids already? Just kidding :] My parents ask me about grandkids every time I talk to them :] I didn’t actually get to go to the plantation but I’ve heard it’s really great and lots of fun. If you ever make it out here, you should check out Old Sturbridge Villiage in Sturbridge too…like stepping back in time…love it there.


  4. That’s beautiful. I was being mopey about my job search today (the storm) but kept realizing I’m having a lot of fun on WordPress making a weird portfolio for said dream job. (the plan?)


    • I hope you get to see it too! It’s really pretty. The Mayflower is much smaller than I expected–can’t believe all those Pilgrims came over the ocean on such a small boat (but I’m glad they did!).


  5. Beautifully and thoughtfully written. It is hot, muggy and sunny in the midwest today. A rumbly, thunderstorm would be welcome (just no tornados). Not knowing what is ahead in life is what makes me lean that much more on God. I KNOW He is always there, walking with me through the beauty and the sadness that is a part of life here. Thanks for sharing!


    • I talked to Grams today and she said you haven’t had rain in forever. So, I make my case again that you should all move to New England where it’s 62 degrees and the sun is now shining after the rain :] Love you, mom.


      • New England sounds VERY good right now! I love the beauty of the area, and I do very much love a certain young woman and her hubby who live there. I’ve been thinking all morning about your blog, specifically about what Christ KNEW during His time on earth. He did know all things from beginning to end, he KNEW when he looked into Judas’ eyes for the first time that he would betray Him. He knew how much his mother loved him and she would ache watching him die. He knows all!! As amazing as that would seem to us, I know I would not handle that same ability well.


  6. Beautifully written! Someday we will see the entire picture and understand God’s plan in full. What a wonderful day that will be! In the meantime, not being able to see the big picture can a blessing. There are times when we can’t cope with more than what is happening at the moment. If we knew what lay ahead, we’d be tempted to give up in defeat. I agree, though, that if we could see the purpose in those dark times, it might really help us get through them!


    • You’re right, probably not seeing the whole picture is a mercy in itself. I have thought before looking back that if I knew what I was getting myself into I never would have done certain things because fear would have gotten the best of me–not knowing it was got me through.


  7. thank you so much for this post, exactly what I have needed to hear and read. Another thought struck me as I was reading your post, the rain also cleanses us. washes away the dirt and grime of life as we are in our storms of life. thank you for your faithfulness and obedience to write what is on your heart. I have been blessed. DAF


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